Final Day - Computer build presentations and preparations.
On the final day of our Compute a Computer J-term, we began preparing our presentations for Friday's exhibition. The presentations will be about the computer builds made in the term and their specs. This blog will tell you, the viewer, how we made them and the practice presentations done. By the final day, we'd all finished our builds. We all set up Windows and tested our PCs for the first time. By this point, we'd finished the J-term, but we still had one more thing to do: prepare for the upcoming J-term Exhibition. Through a presentation format, we decided to go over our experience building PCs during the term and talk about our computers and their specs to parents and schoolmates. In preparation for Friday's J-term presentation, we created our presentations, each of us making a single slide based on our specs and putting it on one collective slide deck. The slides would include the following: our PSU(heart), CPU...