Final Day - Computer build presentations and preparations.

     On the final day of our Compute a Computer J-term, we began preparing our presentations for Friday's exhibition. The presentations will be about the computer builds made in the term and their specs.  This blog will tell you, the viewer, how we made them and the practice presentations done.

    By the final day, we'd all finished our builds. We all set up Windows and tested our PCs for the first time. By this point, we'd finished the J-term, but we still had one more thing to do: prepare for the upcoming J-term Exhibition. Through a presentation format, we decided to go over our experience building PCs during the term and talk about our computers and their specs to parents and schoolmates.

    In preparation for Friday's J-term presentation, we created our presentations, each of us making a single slide based on our specs and putting it on one collective slide deck. The slides would include the following: our PSU(heart), CPU(brain), motherboard(skeleton), CPU cooler, fans, case, storage, RAM, and GPU(eyes). We also decided to use terminology for our PC parts to easily explain them to the audience. We made the PSU the heart as it supplies power, the GPU the eyes as it supplies graphics and better video settings, the CPU brain as it processes and helps operate the PC, and lastly the motherboard is the skeleton as it connects all of the components of the PC. It took me about 10 minutes to list my specs, which I found by checking my system on my computer, although some of the specs I had listed hadn't arrived by the final day. By the first half of the day, everyone, except absent Adam, presented their presentations. Notably, 2 4060 RTX GPUs were present which was cool.

After our presentations, we decided on our presenting format for the exhibition. We would split into groups of 2 for each cycle and present, switching groups every 20 minutes. We also decided to bring our PCs to show off and explain. I and Leo decided to go during the first round of presentations. Although it took weeks to finish, the finishing of our plans for next week's presentations signifies the end of this J-term, which was both educational and fun for all of us.

I had a great deal of fun in this J-term, building a PC for my friend, and I'm hoping everyone does well on their presentations next week.

Thanks for reading, make sure to read the other informational blogs and get a good idea of how the J-term was ran and what we learned.


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